[email protected] (650) 206-8141 PO Box 747 Westwood, MA 02090

Providing Comprehensive Healthcare

Providing Comprehensive Healthcare


To provide annual check-ups, vaccinations, and basic healthcare to the underserved Mananara communities of Madagascar.


Reduced illness, improved quality of life, and to create thriving healthy communities through the region.


  • Messaging: Stress the critical role of preventive healthcare in reducing illnesses and improving children’s long-term health outcomes. Highlight the impact of vaccinations in preventing common diseases. 
  • Timelines: Launch the campaign in the months leading up to the school year to coincide with back-to-school health preparations. Run the campaign for 3 months to allow time for scheduling and administering health services. 
  • Monetary Goal: Raise $30,000 to cover annual health check-ups and vaccinations for 500 children in the Nosy Foundation’s supported schools and communities. 


  • Partner with local healthcare providers: Secure discounted services or pro bono support. 
  • Create a vaccination tracker: Show progress toward the campaign goal. 
  • Conduct outreach: Host informational sessions for parents on the importance of regular health check-ups.