[email protected] (650) 206-8141 PO Box 747 Westwood, MA 02090

Joseph-co: Building a state-of-the-art Hospital

Joseph-co: Building a state-of-the-art Hospital


To construct a modern hospital in the Mananara region, providing top-quality care.


Access to advanced medical treatments and improved health outcomes.


  • Messaging: Outline the urgent need for a local hospital to provide accessible and quality healthcare services to the community. Emphasize how a hospital will improve health outcomes, reduce travel times, and save lives. 
  • Timelines: Launch a long-term fundraising campaign over 12 months to secure substantial donations and grants. Phase the campaign with milestones for groundbreaking and construction updates. 
  • Monetary Goal: Raise $500,000 for the initial phase of hospital construction, focusing on infrastructure and essential medical equipment. 


  • Major donor cultivation: Identify and approach high-net-worth individuals or foundations interested in healthcare and community development. 
  • Grant applications: Apply for grants from healthcare foundations and government agencies. 
  • Naming opportunities: Offer naming rights for hospital wings or rooms to incentivize larger donations.